Avouna Carpaccio

Imagine the best tasting thing on the planet, and look no further. Our friends Kev & Beck and their two adorable children Raleigh and Georgia (“G”) came to dinner last week. It was the first time in Beacon that we have been able to find a liked-minded group of eaters / drinkers / parents. Or maybe it is just the first time that we have actually had a chance to have a meal with someone other than our families! Either way, they are the best and brought the best food to our table.

On the menu was a Kale & Quinoa Tabbouleh and this delicious Avouna Carpaccio.

It was made from the following, all tossed together:

  • 2 Avocados diced
  • 5 plums diced
  • Dressed with: Lemon, Olive Oil, White Balsamic Vinegar & Salt

It resembles tuna carpaccio and is so tasty!

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