Story of Us: Connecting for the First Time

Connecting for the first time for us was quite a while ride. On the agenda: lots of drinking… dancing and some randomness.

It was such an interesting moment. Rache had her house at the most optimum level of sweetness: candles burning, appetizers out, snifters of scotch ready to go. It was a bit like a vegan porno scene, ready to happen. Kurt strolled in with his bowler cap, a little tip of a toothpick sticking out of the top and his skinny jeans in boots. He rocked the euro-artist style all the way.

Lots to chat about and our evening came and went quickly. Hours on the dance floor turned into a hot and sweaty mess… Rache confident from her lack of interest in men, Kurt intrigued by the moment.

The Nights Recipe

  1. Food at Rache’s Lake House (left over from the day before), with 2 glasses of scotch
  2. Friday Night Macrodinner, with a bottle of red wine
  3. Every bar in Ithaca… especially in a college town… and then again. Tequila all around!
  4. Ending at the State Street Diner for a night of gorging on egg white omelets and extra crispy potatoes.

Over the years we have replayed this moment anytime we were missing each other and desired a connecting moment. Really we have a specific way!

Not bad for a night out with two raw food chefs. Kurt left in a hurried, drunken stupor after slamming Rache’s mouth with a kiss. Connecting in a wild way.  Totally bizarre night leaving both of us wanting more.

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