Feeling Nostalgic

We left Ithaca… like we leave all places; quickly, without question, and without a trace. While we had made great friends and enjoyed our time thoroughly, we are movers and shakers. But we left behind a lot and one of the biggest was an opportunity to live and breathe within a raw food kitchen.

Kurt’s gorgeous farm house in Newfield was just on the other side of Ithaca from where I lived. He had a great room and regular home kitchen in the house, but outside there was a barn adjacent to the house that was a dedicated raw food kitchen. It was here that he birthed Kurt’s Cuisine, here that we filmed our scenes for Ra’Co. It is missed.

One of my favorite memories was the first time I cooked in the kitchen with Kurt. We had just started connecting and he asked me to cook with him. Very early in the morning, around 4:30am, we woke up and headed to the kitchen. It was quiet and the fields were misty with the dawn breaking. Idyllic. We made tea and then went onto making a raw cheesecake for my dad, with blackberry swirls. It was an amazing experience for me to make. I will always remember this kitchen.

I came across this photo from the kitchen and it made me nostalgic. Wanted to share.


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