From the Studio…9/22/14

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Every Friday I post an update about whats been happening in my studio. New ideas, new work, places I’m showing, people I am working with, writings, materials….anything I can think of that lets you know whats new with my art practice.

So whats been going on?

  • Moving forward with the Pita Series. After a month or so of experimentation I still have nothing that I would call “finished”. Are they geometric abstraction pieces, clean and finished solid panels? How do they combine with each other? I want to loosen up on the reigns a bit and start to exploit the aspects of the fabrication that have been lost in translation, giving the panels and pieces a looser quality. I love the how the pita extends away from the picture plane, falling to the floor, expanding outwards etc. Having my assistant create small stretchers so we can move quickly through the experimentations and arrive at some pieces that can be enlarged and finished.
  • Working on the large canvas, still, for the Search piece. Up in the treehouse studio.
  • Found that I can create video collages quickly with After Effects. So doing the video sketches quickly with amazing the iphone app PicCollage then downloading the Youtube videos and arranging them full scale in After Effects. So easy.
  • Contemplating how I can raise funds for the vast amount of ideas I have that require investment.

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