Homemade Creams for Pregnancy and Babies Courtesy of Meghann

RaCo Life Homemade Pregnancy and Baby Creams

Pregnancy Cream Paste

Pregnancy is never a comfortable feat for anyone, especially when it comes to stretching and growing. The most uncomfortable piece of the puzzle is typically the skin during this growth and with it comes a need for soothing. Here are two fantastic homemade cream recipes my step-sister Meghann passed on via my mom to help me get through the last couple of months. With 3 kids under 3 1/2 she is the master of all things surrounding health and wellness for herself and her kids. These are great recipes!

Homemade Baby and Belly Itchy / Eczema Cream

The typical natural remedy calls for Shea Butter with lavender. While effective, Meghann created a cream of her own that has actually made this pregnancy bearable. It stops the itch, soothes and stays moist for at least the entire day. I asked her for the ingredients, and I guestimated the recipe based on the logic system of how they would come together to form a cream like substance. You can easily adjust this as you go if the consistency is not to your liking.

Remember: A little goes a REALLY long way!

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RaCo Life Cream in a Ball JarIngredients are all organic and can be purchased through Amazon:

Version 1:
1/2 cup Olive Oil (infused with nettle)
1/2 cup Coconut Oil
1/4 cup Beeswax Pellets
20 drops Licorice Root Extract
1 tsp Tamanu Oil

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Version 2:
1/2 cup Olive Oil (infused with nettle)
1/2 cup Coconut Oil
1/4 cup Beeswax Pellets
1 tbsp Sweet Almond Oil (add several drops of Calendula + Chamomile to it)
1 tsp Evening Primrose Oil

Mix the olive oil, coconut oil and beeswax together in a jar placed in water in a sauce pan over low heat until the beeswax and coconut oil melt and blend together. When it starts to cool, add in the remaining ingredients. Quickly transfer to a permanent glass jar and seal.

The cream should harden and form a harder substance, but you may have to adjust your recipe accordingly based on your preferences.


Homemade Magnesium Cream

This is a great way to round out an evening bath and settle in for relaxation. It is thick like vaseline, so a little goes a long way. I use it after a tub when the skin is still moist.

Ingredients are all organic and can be purchased through Amazon:

Wellness Mama LogoHere is the recipe from Wellness Mama (one of our favorite sites)!




RaCo Life Buy Product ButtonDon’t want to make it yourself? My mom just mentioned that Meghann is starting to sell her batches of creams from Northampton, MA. If you are interested, contact us and we can get you in touch.

Coconut Dusted Crunchy Beet Chips


RaCo Life Beet Coconut Finished-2

Beets increase stamina by 16%Sweet and crunchy with an incredible texture these little coconut encrusted beet chips will create a whole meaning of tasty. Many people don’t like beets because they taste too much like the earth… but it is probably because they have never had them properly prepared. What’s great about this recipe is the beets start to take on a sweetness… which is a similar quality to caramelization. When you bake them the natural sugar and juices sweat out of the body of the fruit and caramelize on top. It is amazingly healthy and great tasting. The coconut oil helps that process along.


Kitchen Tools

RaCo Life Shun 8 inch Knife Damascus

RaCo Life Product Bron Original Stainless Steel Mandoline Slicer 2



  • Beets
  • Shredded Coconut
  • Coconut Oil
  • Pinch of Salt to Taste

Alternate or Additive: Finely Chopped Raw Almonds



This is a super easy, 10 minute prep recipe. Make it and bake it on a low temp around 200º (or dehydrate it – see our blog post on why dehydrating is a preferred method) until crispy and to your liking. Use the ratio of the ingredients based on your desire. There are no rules with this recipe!

We have been making our own veggie chips for years, but they are simple and boring – just a way to quickly get some nutrition and a satisfying crunch into our bodies. This is a recipe worth sharing because it is so simple, but the flavor is so incredibly rich, tasty and fulfilling.

RaCo Life Beet Coconut Top View

Peel and thinly slice fresh, raw beets. The thinner the better with this one for speed, but it depends on how chewy or crunchy you want them to be when complete. The medium sized beets work best for this… the large ones are a bit too large to cut all the way through. Using a mandoline if you have one is the best bet, but not a requirement. Check out this great video on our mandoline of choice the Bron Couke Professonal. You can use a knife.

RaCo Life Beet Coconut Oil and Beets
RaCo Life Beet Coconut in a Bag

Toss the beets in a Ziploc bag with the shredded coconut and a teaspoon of coconut oil for every medium sized beet you have used. Add in your pinch of salt to taste and finely chopped almonds if you are using them. Then zip it shut and “Shake shake shake!”

RaCo Life Beet Coconut Before Baking

Spread out all the beets on a baking tray (or dehydrator tray) and place in the oven (or dehydrator).
RaCo Life Beet Coconut Finished


Beet Infographic

  1. Detoxify:

    Support in detoxification and helping to purify your blood and your liver.

  2. Betaine Packed:

    Beets are a unique source of betaine, a nutrient that helps protects cells, proteins, and enzymes from environmental stress

  3. Increase Stamina:

    Beets have shown an average increase of 16% stamina in exercise. This is likely due to the nitrates turning into nitric oxide which lowers the oxygen effort required. They are also known for increasing sex drive by being jam packed with  boron.

  4. Reduces Birth Defects:

    Because of the Vitamin B Folate found in Beets, this is a great food for pregnant mama’s to eat to reduce developmental issues in the spinal column.

  5. Lower Digestive Issues and Heal Quicker:

    Beets have been used to cure fever and constipation. Beet leaves are good for speeding up the healing process of wounds.



Remedies for Dealing with a Coughing Toddler

Iza Ruby Sick Day in Bed When Coughing

Its 3:47am and we are all up. Iza is having a really hard time getting through the night tonight with her ongoing cough. Many kinds of coughs get worse at night, especially when the air is colder. Iza has had a drippy nose for the last two days and at night when she lays down likely the mucus from the nose and sinuses is draining down her throat and triggering her cough to worsen during sleep.

But coughs are in some ways a good and important sign that a kids body is helping to rid themselves of the cold on their own and they should not be stopped with medicine. It is important for the kid to allow their body to rid themselves (i.e. cough out) the bad stuff.

Proactive care:
Always our preference, but as life flows we sometimes lose sight of the vital aspects of health with our busy days and get off track. If you are up for trying to maintain some level of daily preventative care, here are some of our recommendations:

• Sleep for 6-8 uninterrupted hours. Your body will tell you what it needs and it might not be the same everyday.
• Walk for at least 30 minutes a day and get your heart rate up high enough to perspire.

• Build a balanced schedule and don’t overdo it.
• Keep stress to a minimum.

• Juice every morning… lots of greens, little fruits.
• Drink tons of water. Limit all other beverages.



Iza is truly a terrible sick person and she gets that from me. For any parent who has a child who is similar to them, it is definitely hard to watch them go through something you can really relate to. I work extra hard to make sure she is comfortable – almost to a fault sometimes (like permission to have unlimited iPad and bed time) – and I follow a very prescribed formula that can be carried forward quickly to ensure a healthy recovery.

Ra'Co-Life-Logo-balanced-tagReactive Care: My little girl has sadly been quite sick over the last year being in Guatemala. Much of the reason is weather induced as our local climate has very extreme temperatures – we go from hot / dry 80ºF during the day sometimes to a cold / wet 40º F at night. It is like a split, temperate climate where it is a combo of dessert and jungle. Really very strange. Luckily she hasn’t gotten anything other than just a common cold and cough, however.

  1. Bath: Here in Guatemala the local remedy for a common cough / cold via Katy and Claudia would be to bath Iza in a bath of eucalyptus leaves, bugambilia flowers and rosa de Jamaica dried leaves. They would make the water really hot and let all the plants steep in the tub for 20 minutes or so until the temp came down to a manageable temperature. Then they would put Iza in and softly sponge bathe her while she breathed in the aroma of the water concoction. It was pretty unique to watch this local ritual and while it didn’t necessarily cure her, it definitely helped with opening up her air passages.
  2. Tea: Another trick we have used is a little honey, ginger and lemon mixed with warm water. Iza seems to really like this concoction and it isn’t difficult to get her to sip it out of a cup since it is a little sweet. We use a tea spoon and pretend we are having a tea party.
  3. Chest Rub: After the bath it is always a good thing to have a little oil rub down. You can use essential oils or just a coconut butter. This helps to loosen up the mucus before we clear out the nose. Another thing we have done is added a very tiny amount of hot sauce and peppermint to the coconut oil and that makes it like icy hot. Super strange, and should be a very small dosage, but it works!
  4. Clear Out the Nose: If you have one like my daughter, you will struggle to get her to “blow” out the crap on her own. We have this amazing suction thing called the Nose Frida. We also use a humidifier and add aromatherapy to it. Below is an echinacea that can be ingested or used as aromatherapy.
  5. Diet Adjustment: Staying hydrated is the single most important aspect of any cold, but beyond that increasing healthy probiotics and introducing more raw foods will help your child to recover faster. With Iza she is not a fan of green leafy veggies so we give her a healthy dose of probiotics. This helps to maintain a healthy digestion and keep her vitamin K levels up helping to get rid of her cold quicker.






When to Call the Doctor (according to Kidshealth.org)
Most childhood coughs are nothing to be worried about. However, call the doctor if your child:

  • has trouble breathing or is working hard to breathe
  • is breathing faster than usual
  • has a blue or dusky color to the lips, face, or tongue
  • has a high fever (especially if your child is coughing but does NOT have a runny or stuffy nose)
  • has any fever and is younger than 3 months old
  • is an infant (3 months old or younger) who has been coughing for more than a few hours
  • makes a “whooping” sound when breathing in after coughing
  • is coughing up blood
  • has stridor (a noisy or musical sound) when breathing in
  • has wheezing when breathing out (unless your doctor already gave you an asthma action plan)
  • is weak, cranky, or irritable
  • is dehydrated; signs include dizziness, drowsiness, a dry or sticky mouth, sunken eyes, crying with little or no tears, or
  • peeing less often (or having fewer wet diapers)

Pain in the Rache: How to Make a Homemade All Natural Tiger Balm


How to Make an All Natural Tiger Balm

Rache was feeling some serious pain in her neck this weekend and I wanted to make her a soothing natural Tiger Balm. Could be because my brother Karl is here. No! Big love goes out to little brother for being here in Lake Atitlan for the next couple of weeks, we’re gonna have a blast!

Rache could barely move because of her neck. Iza wants to be carried around by Mama 24/7 but Mama is pregnant and tired. And Iza weighs about 40 pounds. She needs good medicine!

Yesterday I decided to make Rache a massage ointment to hopefully curb some of that pain. Since we don’t have any Tiger Balm, and I am always looking for a DIY project, I made an all natural Tiger Balm like an icy/hot ointment from things we have in the pantry. What’s in it?[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″ css=”.vc_custom_1547990405833{padding-right: 30px !important;}”][vc_empty_space][vc_single_image image=”7176″ alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” link=”https://amzn.to/2T2y12V”][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]

Coconut Oil (1T)

Works great as a base and the stuff is magic anyway.

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Ginger Oil (1/4-1/2T)

Ginger is supposedly good for inflammation.
Smells good mixed with the other stuff.

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Aloe Vera (1/4T)

Not sure if this was necessary, but aloe vera adds a cooling effect so I thought I would add a little. Leave it out for a more balmy consistency.

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Cayenne Pepper (1/4T)

The heat! Added less than 1/4 teaspoon and that brought enough heat. Go slow with the cayenne and add more as desired.

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Peppermint Oil (20-30 Drops)

Usually, we use this for digestion by adding 20-30 drops to a glass of water. But here the peppermint is used for the icy cooling effect and it works great. If we had eucalyptus I would have used that. Camphor would be even better.

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Calming Tonic –
Lavender, Catnip, Chamomile (20-Drops)

This is a locally prepared mix of soothing herbs valerian, chamomile, verlain, and catnip and is normally taken orally. But it’s mild so I thought it couldn’t hurt. I’m sure you have a similar blend at your local health food store. Support your local herbalists!

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And Mix it Together

Mix everything together and apply the all natural Tiger Balm (you can also buy a similar version with Tea Tree Oil ready to go here) to the sore areas a little at a time, slowly massaging deep into the skin and muscles. Smells good, feels good, and gives that relieving icy/cool sensation we all love.

After all that work, I needed a little medicine myself:[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_single_image image=”7186″ alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” link=”https://drizly.com/centinela-tequila-blanco/p6388″][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Good medicine…

Now it’s time to do the rub down for pregnant Rache. Sweet. Another great Ra’Co home remedy![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]