Ra’Co Tip: Mistakes

Make a lot of mistakes so you can learn

Making mistakes is part of the journey of life and in some way is the more educational route. Often you will learn a new life lesson along the way. But so many of us get caught up in the concept of perfection forgetting that perfection doesn’t lead to a rounded experience overall and that allowing mistakes to happen via risk is often the most important hidden reward.

Make a lot of mistakes so you can learn

Remember to be conscious as your mistake is made, or to reflect on it after the fact if you are not aware during. Be thoughtful about honoring your time and energy required to figure out how you got there and how you will get out of it. Often your intentional path will be adjusted based on your new found learnings.

RaCo Life Definition An act or thought that unintentionally deviates from what is correct, right, or true. 

RaCo Life Direct Experience


I left Hospitality Services, Inc work full time for myself building a design studio and to give it a try with a business partner and best friend. We had dreams of building a product line in her namesake and creating a sustainable business. She had no business experience or investment capital and she was weary about getting involved. I pushed her to do something out of her comfort zone and to focus on sweat equity instead of HEARING her say, “No.” The end result was what you would expect; a loss of a 12 year old friendship and a product line in her name that she had no desire to do anything with. We parted ways.

Learning: What I learned from this was to listen better and to really HEAR people. I get it now when someone says, “No” and I back away willingly.

My new path due to my mistake: I realized my friend and I had co-dependent friendship that wouldn’t stand the test of time, and letting it go enabled me to walk away and build a new set of healthy friendships. One of those relationships was Kurt. Another piece of this was realizing that I didn’t want to have a lifestyle product line or to invest in building a brick n’ mortar operation. I wanted to be free from all boundaries to travel and explore. I moved to London right after the end of our business, then onto Ithaca, Beacon, New York City and finally Guatemala.

Beacon, NY to Northampton, MA

So our next stop after leaving Beacon, NY was Northampton, MA. We wanted to stop over at Rache’s parents to have a big first birthday party for Iza and get in a little family time before we leave for Guatemala. As you can see from the previous blog, we had a blast at Iza’s birthday. Iza got in some great playtime with her cousins. And Northampton was beautiful in the spring. We spent the evenings on the back porch listening to the frogs and looking out over the marshland behind the house. A great way to prepare us for our next stop, a Zen retreat in Ithaca, NY.