Skype? Whatever – Hello Goto!

Life has really graduated to a new virtual level. Skype and Viber are in some ways, brilliant tools of the past and companies like and WaZapp are making more of a presence. Free applications just simply don’t have the same “bandwidth” or appeal when it comes to seeing your loved ones. Additionally, for work, I have requirements to be available and clear. Just dropping out in the middle of a call is not acceptable practice.

The level of frustration I feel for AT&T and the 1000’s of dropped calls I had over the years, is right up there with Skype. For 7 years I have been using Skype as my primary means, all around the world, and I have finally realized it is just not getting any better. If anything, it is actually beginning to get worse. But I have found a solution abroad. While I can’t make out going calls, for meetings Gotomeeting is outrageously good and reliable. It is about $180 a year for basic service, but the image is crystal clear, jam-packed with quality.
Skype vs. Gotomeeting

For voice I think using WaZapp is the best. It is easy and effective and I can use my local data plan or whatever to make the calls.

Sunday we had a great chat with my Dad and Cindy and our nephews. It was so much fun to see everyone… and so clearly! Skype would have dropped out in seconds, so this gave us a great shot at communication.